Watching BFRESH work is like watching a fire ignite. This woman is one of the most passionate and driven ladies I have come across, and she is known to work around the clock until she gets the job done! Her work speaks for itself, and her photos tell a story that needs to be heard. Recently transplanting from the Twin Cities to Brooklyn, she is HUNGRY and steady on the grind. Perfect match for HEY LADIES!
Rebecca “B FRESH” McDonald of B FRESH Photography and Media
WHERE DO YOU CALL HOME? Currently, I call Brooklyn my home.
WHERE ARE YOU FROM? I am from a quick-witted-headstrong-mother and a frugal-biker-environmentalist father. The city is the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul).
WHAT DO YOU DO? I am a multimedia artist/journalist working in arts/entertainment/politics in the mediums of photography/video/written word. The work I produce focuses on community power development and telling stories of creation, empowerment and revolution. The common thread throughout all I do is storytelling, which is my ultimate passion in life.
TRUE BEAUTY IS…honest grittiness | colorful textures
BEATS…fuel my energy. I am always listening to music, and I create to the beat.
TRUE SEXY IS…confident | humorous.

MUSIC IS MY…soundtrack to life. I always use lyrics to reflect on life, to escape, or to use it as a tool to connect. That is the same way I use my camera! For example, in a crowd, you can use a camera to isolate yourself, or to connect with people. I typically choose the connection, even though I am an introvert. I love spending time home alone creating, relaxation and rejuvenation. after a long day being super-social. Music helps me find that balance.
ART DOES...not need to follow rules. You must know the rules of your craft, so you can break them. The premise of my work is to always think outside of the box, in terms of creativity, content and technical skills. I aim to represent a missing element in mainstream media- those voices of youth, women and people of color in a unique and bold way.
MY NIGHTS ARE…LONG. I create and am the most inspired in the evening.
THESE 3 TURN ME ON… Passion | Dancing | Happiness
SELF-KNOWLEDGE…is constantly evolving.
ENOUGH OF…the mediocrity! I want excitement in the art/entertainment/political worlds. We have fallen into a trap, and need some excitement in our lives! Who’s with me?!
MY CREATIVITY IS…on fire! I can't stop creating and thinking of things to create. i wish I had more hands!

LIFE CAN BE THE...pits, and drag you down sometimes. We must get back up, and keep moving, stronger and smarter than before. There have been many times when I have considered ending my full-time commitment to the arts. When I am close to giving up, something always happens, to reassure me that I am on the right path.
TO LOVE IS TO…live, as living is to love. It’s not the same as the rush from eating chocolate though- sorry.
I'VE GOT FLOW BECAUSE…I can be versatile. I can lead and create in any environment. I can navigate covering a museum opening with millionaires, to a rally on the capitol, to a Snoop Dog show, all in one day.
WORDS YOU LIVE BY: “The revolution is ourselves, our lives.” -Audre Lorde

I also am working on a book, and developing other merchandise.
WHERE CAN WE REACH YOU? You can reach me at 917.727.2013 or bfreshsphotography@gmail.com