WHERE ARE YOU FROM? a perfect coming of age city...silver spring, maryland.
WHAT DO YOU DO? i am a stylist. i have the pleasure of dressing people for a living. i am rooted in editorial styling (telling stories through photography and fashion bring me joy), but i am also segueing into commercial and advertising. i am really working to create a balance in my work. art and commerce go hand in hand (in my world).
TRUE BEAUTY IS…truth. (my mama and john keats taught me that)
BEATS…jam? good beats at least. i have sat here for a while trying to fill this line in. sigh...
TRUE SEXY IS…honestly? well...cigarettes. smoking is way too cool for me to be a 26 year old
woman. i was that child that was always in awe of the high school kids with ripped up jeans,
cars, and cigarettes. i only smoked once. i found it on the ground on my way home from school,
got matches, and ran behind the house to light it up. for about seven minutes i felt soooo chic.
i even applied more lipsmackers lip gloss so that i could at least pretend that i
was wearing red danger lipstick. ...i really do think that folks that smoke often times lend towards
looking sexy. (say what u want).
(my serious adult answer): self-assuredness.
MUSIC IS MY…companion. i expect a great deal from the music that i seek and love.
ART DOES NOT…NOT keep my mind active. (double negative...gotcha!)

MY NIGHTS ARE…when i dig... most editing, planning, emails, website updates, research...take place after
the midnight hour. i find a lot of comfort, big ideas, and a rhythm during late night. i do think that this
behavior is new york specific. i have never worked like this anywhere else (granted i have only lived in two
other cities, atlanta and silver spring) but i genuinely enjoy the quiet with random surges of blasting, clicking
heels, blaring car radios, screaming, helicopters, laughing, cats...those noises help me to briefly

THESE 3 TURN ME ON…violins, electric blue store signs, and being guided by the very top of my waist.
honorable mention: general greene salted pretzel caramel ice cream
SELF-KNOWLEDGE …is world changing...everyone is effected.
ENOUGH OF …winter. the bright sun and freezing wind confuse me.
MY CREATIVITY IS...divine. it gets way too good at times,.. and then there are days where the end result is a miserable disappointment. the satisfying part is that i can always rely on getting it out. I'm generally pleased with myself for attempting the transition of pushing an idea into something tangible. i learn what works. my sister bought me a moleskine so that i can write everything down...i am understanding that my ideas are important, and not meant to be fleeting.
TRUE POWER IS…self awareness...then u know how to act. and that information is priceless, for both you and them.
LIFE CAN BE THE..perfect opportunity to do something, and to do it well. (or not...its up to you).
I'VE GOT FLOW BECAUSE…i try. and i try again. and i try differently. at some point trying ascends into doing.
WORDS YOU LIVE BY: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,
- that is all/Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - john keats.
NEW PROJECTS FOR 2010? nothing to speak of justtt yet.
SHOUTOUTS? kwes ( he's a big part of my safe creative space.
More of her work:

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