Ever since I came across Little Dragon on myspace, I have been visiting the page weekly to get my fix. The music is original, has an excellent pocket and morphs into different different genres and emotions from song to song. Originally, my love was sprung once I heard singer Yukimi Nagano on a track by Geology. As I begun to desperately search for any and everything else she was on, I hit a gold mine, finding her on lead vocals with friends from high school creating the band Little Dragon.
This Sweden based foursome bounces energy off of each other for inspiration, motivation and the creative juices to keep from becoming bored with the process, landing them deeper into the possibilities of limitless music.
They are in the process of finishing up the next album, but to get a taste buy the self title release, Little Dragon here..
Here's a peek into their minds from the voice of Yukimi (Thanks!):

WHERE DO YOU CALL HOME... Good old grey and rainy Gothenburg!
TRUE BEAUTY IS… Arthur Russels Thats Us/Wild Combination
BEATS… are always good to have
TRUE SEXY IS… our boy and girlfriends
MUSIC IS MY… savior
ART DOES NOT…Create war
MY NIGHTS ARE…warm and cozy
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaiDza-zyCM
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWoW5JB2PTg
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJdCglISowo
SELF-KNOWLEDGE … good to have in the write amount
ENOUGH OF … hatred and ugly ducks
MY CREATIVITY IS… mysterious
TRUE POWER IS…Prince I would die for u
LIFE CAN BE THE... most beautiful thing ever
TO LOVE IS TO… know you
I'VE GOT FLOW BECAUSE…. I have good friends!
IN 2009 I WILL BE... so happy about our next album
Check these!
Check out this video: Constant Surprises
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