Miss Bruno ****

Miss Bruno****

Miss Bruno****

Miss Bruno****
So, this weekend I had the pleasure of getting a sneak-peak of some of the fashion being sprung from Brooklyn designers on the rise @ BK Fashion Week{end}. Although I think all of the designers had something fresh to bring to the table, 2 of them specifically left me drooling and threatening to raid their closets. Miss Bruno, known for amazing transformable neckwear introduced their first line of dresses and new neck peices. Make sure you check these ladies out! I've been plotting a way to get my hands on some of their peices.
The other designer that stood out, was the lovely mother of 3, Joan Vaccianna. The collection was sleek, sexy, street and classic all at the same time. Hubba Hubba. Mama's in heaven...

Joan Vaccianna////

Joan Vaccianna////

Joan Vaccianna////
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